Monday, December 23, 2019

Cell Phones And Its Effects On Society - 1503 Words

Although smartphones have allowed people to communicate easily long distance through texts and calls, they have also made proper, meaningful, oral conversation almost extinct (Liew 1). When talking to another person, many people use text language instead of proper and advanced vocabulary. In today’s society text language, such as jk or lol, is common in everyday texting, but to past generations the use of this language is foreign. That shows the major change that cell phones have had on society. People who were born before 1973 grew up without cell phones,and when they did finally get their first phone, they used it only for calling people. Young teens today will hang out with each other, but there is a secret tag along friend, their phones, that never seems to leave them alone. It is not uncommon to have both people checking Instagram and texting others instead of socializing. Along with destroying proper oral communication, smartphones have made people less resourceful. With this one little device, the smartphone, the world is at anyone’s fingertips.Although this is good because it has allowed people to research things more easily, it has also changed people into less resourceful people. When asked a question, people will go on their smartphones and check the answer. This is a quick and easy way to get information, but people don’t think anymore. They check their phones and find whatever they need, but if they thought for just a minute or two more, they would haveShow MoreRelatedCell Phones And Its Effects On Society Essay1277 Words   |  6 Pagesthe world resemble in the event that we didn t have any cell phones? Why is it that we get out of our comfort zone when we do not have access to our phones? Nowadays, cell phones have such a noteworthy effect on our day to day lives, and we owe it to the advancement of technology. In this research paper, we will take a closer look at this phenomenon by examining the evolution of cell phone d evices, and it’s effects on society. Cell phones, as we know them haven’t been around for that long. The quickRead MoreCell Phone Effect on Society1526 Words   |  7 PagesClass Date Title How often do we see some people in society now a days on their phones? Whether this be to someone checking their Facebook or just messaging their friends to let them know where they are. How often could you witness to how they could cause accidents such as not paying attention when crossing the road, crime such as the increase in phones being stolen, or car accidents in the split second in which one is looking down at their phone rather than paying attention to what is on the roadRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Society1400 Words   |  6 Pagespossible to carry a phone and still use it, since then there have been millions upon millions released through these forty three years of its existence, every year with a different model, system, camera, you name it, the possibilities are endless! The advantages cellular devices hold over us are massive, from calling a friend situated halfway across the world to ordering food for Memorial High School’s 5th period lunch. Another m ajor factor of our 24/7 nonstop use of the cell phone is texting. TextRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society940 Words   |  4 Pages Cell phones have been around for hundreds of years. It’s no surprise that more and more people are beginning to partake in cellphone use. Cell phones provide society with an easier way of communicating and obtaining information, but at the same time there are some negative consequences. What most people don’t realize is that cellphones are actually quite harmful to modern society. Scientifically cellphones emit radiations that can potentially produce fatal results. Overall cellphones haveRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Society1480 Words   |  6 Pagesthis technology, the cell phone was created and over the years has advanced itself. The cell phone has become a necessity to many. All ages use this mobile device for either personal or business uses. Higgins states that the amount of cell phones active has increased from â€Å"one billion in 2000 to 6 billion.† Although cell phones paly an important role in the lives of many, the negative possibilitie s could cause destruction to our society. According to Russell Ware, a cell phone is â€Å"any portable telephoneRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society3111 Words   |  13 Pagesback to the office on the cell phone†, said Seven Spielberg. Everywhere you are no matter what, you will see someone in contact with his or her cell phone. The effects of them cause negative and positive outcomes within our society. Cell phones have influenced society both positive and negative ways regarding teenagers life, social interactions, emergencies crimes, and health. Cell phones have negatively affected teenager’s life in more than one way. First cell phones are a distraction to the wayRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society1698 Words   |  7 PagesTechnology and technological advances in communication, such as smartphones, were initially introduced in society to connect individuals together. However, because of the growing obsession of smartphones and technology, it becomes evident that technology is causing an opposite effect. The addiction of smart phones and technology has pushed individuals even farther apart. Further, in cell phones, an individual has a different life unknown to the people around him or her. In other words, individualsRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society2122 Words   |  9 PagesCell phones have become a necessary evil in today s society according to some people. While cell phones can have positive effects, easy access to friends and family also with the police force, paramedics, and firefighter s. The negative effects of cellphones outweigh the positives. Cellphones are dangerous and their use in today s society should be limited. From when the first cell phone was invented to the new apple IPhone 6 since coming out people have been addicted to them. People have gottenRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society Essay1839 Words   |  8 Pagesaffected by cell phones and mobile phones’ temptations have reduced face-to-face communication among people, attracted people from their study and work, and even harmed their health and life, it is urgent now to find detailed origins behind such phenomenon of cell phone addiction and then find solutions to this serious problem. Until now, on this topic many researchers have investigated people’s average using times of cell phones per day, people’s average amount of time of using cell phones per day,Read MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society1991 Words   |  8 Pagesadvantage of it, but is this a good thing? Cell phones are taking over people’s lives and the pattern is going to continue if people keep using cell phones the way they are, and allowing their children to use them equally as much. One s relationships, values, and time management would all be better if cell phones were not as significant of a part of people’s lives as they have become. Howard Rheingold says it so beautifully and accurately. Cell phones and other technology is changing the world and

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Socio Economic Study Free Essays

Economic Benefits As part of the agricultural sector, the banana industry also ensures that It contributes to the protection of the environment through the observance of globally accepted practices and abiding by Philippines laws. Furthermore, the industry also makes positive Impact on the cultural political aspects through: Enameled contact with the Influence Insurgency; Improved peace and order situation; Effective local governance; Integration of Indigenous people (e. G. We will write a custom essay sample on Socio Economic Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bugaboo, Nabob, Muslim) Into mainstream society: and Better understanding of cultures. The Banana industry impact on the economy includes: Provision of employment (minimum wages, Job security); Development of related industries (transport, food, consumer goods, entertainment); Increased income opportunity (cash crop, I. E. Corn, rice, firewood gathering vs.. Employment); Prompts improved infrastructure support from government and private organizations; Increased tax collection for local government. In terms of social impact, the industry helps provide: Basic needs through the availability of food, housing, clothing, and employment; Education increased number of students; Health care availability of institutional care; Migration back to family instead of having to look for livelihood elsewhere; Equal opportunity for women and indigenous people; and Fewer occurrences of domestic and Juvenile related crime and conflicts. The Philippine banana industry Is the 5th largest export Industry In the country and the indulges in Mindanao. In terms of local tax contribution, the Industry remitted about Phi Million worth of local taxes In 2008, Including Business Tax, Real property tax, Residence Certificates of Employees, withholding tax of employees, withholding tax at source, and Income. Socio Economic Study By EX_Donald As part of the agricultural sector, the banana industry also ensures that it contributes Furthermore, the industry also makes positive impact on the cultural political Minimized contact with the influence insurgency; Integration of indigenous people (e. G. Bugaboo, Nabob, Muslim) into mainstream society; and Better understanding of cultures. The Philippine banana industry is the 5th largest export industry in the country and the indigents in Mindanao. In terms of local tax contribution, the industry remitted about Phi Million worth of local taxes in 2008, including Business Tax, Real How to cite Socio Economic Study, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

20th Century Drama An Inspector Calls Essay Example For Students

20th Century Drama An Inspector Calls Essay An Inspector Calls was written in 1944-45 but set in 1912 before the world war. In 1944-45 Priestly sent the script of An Inspector Calls to Moscow as unfortunately there were no London Theatres available, so due to this the script was established in 2 theatres in 1945, which it came back to London to be produced. The audience were in the 1945 mood whilst watching the play that was set in 1912. So the audience are re-visiting what was soon to come -2 years later the 1st world war and the sinking of the unsinkable ship Titanic on her maiden voyage. A version of another detective thriller, as what it seemed at the beginning of the play. The opening scene involves the audience being invited in to the play in a very cosily style to a warm scene of a diner party where all the characters of the Birling family are introduced including Gerald Croft. A mysterious inspector intrudes on the cosy scene As one by one each member of the Birling family is questioned there is a chain of events that sequences and links the whole investigation to a suicide murder. However this is not what it is only about, but there is another story portrayed that leads into confusion about the real identity of the inspector. Was he a Ghost, was he the voice of conscious or was he? Who knows! There are a variety of entrances and exits that take place in the play. A build of anxiety, fear, nervousness and suspense is the entire thrill in the entrances and exits of An Inspector Calls. The importance of entrances and exits in the play is to keep the audience enthusiastic and keen to watch the involving exits and entrances. There are various characters in the play and each has a very significant role to play in the story which also connects to a mysterious murder. The tree most important characters from my point of view are: Gerald, Eric and of course the Inspector; The Inspector has an attitude that is tough. He is a hard- headed man. He is precise and influential and creates an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness just at a glance of look. He is an inspector that obeys his work and duty and likes to do it firmly otherwise there is a muddle. He intrudes the cosy scene and that lets the play move on with a subject of his own. Inspector Goole is strong and has sturdy physique that is then described throughout the play in a very peculiar and suspicious manner. A typical man in his 20s evoked by Eric Birling. Half shy half assertive with drinking problems, late nights and women; just are few of his problems that cost a big price during the play. Eric however, unlike his parents, realises the consequences of his actions. Eric is shown playing a big part in one of the most dramatic entrance of the play that characterises his role expressively that then makes him an important character of the play. Another very vital personality illustrated in An Inspector Calls, Gerald who is seductive and personable man in his 30s, rather too manly to be a dandy. Gerald is a helpful and a quiet down-to-town gentleman. Despite Geralds involvement of a big role in Evas life, Gerald is not all that disturbed by the incident which demonstrates his character played in An Inspector Calls. Some of the major entrances that take place in the play suggest the tension that rises gradually towards the very anxious entrance that takes place nearer to the end of the novel. However the entrance that is performed as the first access to the story plays a crucial part in the development of An Inspector Calls. Inspector Goole is the first uninvited character to enter in the engagement party and to ruin the pleasant scene. The Inspectors entrance is a very tragic entrance that takes place in the beginning of the play. It happens when an engagement ceremony has undergone and is interrupted by the Inspector. Mr Birling however is not disturbed by the presence of the Inspector as he is expecting a warrant warning instead there is a different story portrayed. The Inspector obstructs the uneasy conversation between Gerald and Eric also involving Mr Birling that then leads to a confused and a frantic Birling family. The Inspector who at first glance creates an impression of massiveness gives an bitter look as a sigh of giving discomfort before he approaches the person who is being investigated. At first the Inspector is spoken with short phrases to suggest an Inspector of solidity and then the reason of his appearance is conveyed with a lengthily speech and is heard with an aggressive manner that immediately relates to the tough inspector. Essay On The Cherry Orchard About SocietyGerald departs from the play for a walk about, however before he leaves Sheila gives him the engagement ring that was given to her by Gerald himself only a few minutes ago although Sheila now respects him more than she has ever done. By Geralds exit there is a different mood given to the play. The atmosphere of the stage is rather a quiet and sad one as the reason of the ceremony has been abolished. The mood is shown changing as the stage directions convey the looks and sounds in a guarded way as Gerald exits and the Birlings watch him go in silence. The timing of the action has been performed after Gerald has been inquired and before Mrs. Birling and Eric were being questioned of a possible suspect to the chain of events leading to the suicide of Eva Smith. Birling is shown consolidating Gerald by interrupting Sheila and talking about lots of young men doing these kinds of things these days. Geralds exit symbolises that they maybe lots of secrets concealed inside every one of us. The last and most relieving exit for the Birling Family is the final dramatic exit of the play. This is performed by the Inspector in the middle of Act 3. The exit is portrayed in a dubious and peculiar manner that suggests a tense frame of mind. The Inspector summarises the effects of the suicide murder with a long departing paragraph and ends it with the consequences of the incident as he teaches them a lesson in blood and anguish. The Inspectors speech, gestures, stage directions, facial expressions and most of all the self-assured confidence in his speech intertwines together to build a tower of tension and relief. For the Birling Family it was a huge sigh of relief, in comparison to the audience, which related to them as a theatrical departure. The atmosphere of the play has a sudden change from an anxious investigation to a slightly casual mood. Earlier on, before the tense exit of the Inspector, Birling is trying a different method , a method of bribe which the Inspector thinks he is offering money at the wrong time, however Birling can give thousands-yes thousands. The stage directions evoke a confident exit that actually has some effect on both the audience and the characters. The play is then continued with feed back from the family members and also another entrance that changes the whole phase of the play. As for the exits, they make the audience feel sympathetic towards the character illustrating the exits. As Gerald takes his leave the audience are willing not for him to leave as for the Inspectors exit it wraps up the whole play and makes the play run on his intentions so when the main character exits from the play, there is a slight tension in the audience. The stage directions are interpreted as a confident exit which leads to a successful play involving exits that have a turning effect on the audience. So overall, the play can be classified as a success. One reason for this is the involvement of exits and entrances that create shock, jolt and maybe a form of relaxation. In my opinion I thought that the most dramatic exit or entrance is the entrance performed by Eric right at the end of Act 2. This is very significant entrance that is performed in a nail biting situation and that can put the audience in great enthusiasm. At the beginning of the play An Inspector calls is introduced to a tranquil opening scene. In comparison, the closing scene is totally opposite to the opening scene as the closing scene shows the characters in a muddled and in a fearful mood and the atmosphere is uneasy. A point to be noted is that in the opening scene of the play the whole characters of the play (minus Edna and Inspector) are present for the ceremony and after so many dramatic exits and shocking entrances the same characters are shown in the closing scene but with a different mood, a mood of distress and mayhem as the chain of events has finally come to an end.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Reservation free essay sample

Bus reservation system deals with maintenance of records of details of each passenger who had reserved a seat for a journey for various places in Bangalore. The said bus reservation company has 60 routes operating from Bangalore among those are the regular or ordinary, semi-luxury and super-deluxe buses. These systems should contain information about its passenger like date of reservation, their destination, and number of seats and cancellation of their reservation. The system should meet the requirements of the business to make it interactive and user friendly. Our project is to computerize traveling company to manage data, so that all the transactions become fast and lessen any possibly error in transaction like calculation mistake, bill generation and other things. It replaces all the paper work. It keeps records of all bills also, giving to ensure 100% successful implementation of the computerized Bus reservation system. It also shows reports of the transaction done by the company to monitor their daily operation. We will write a custom essay sample on Reservation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Objective/s Main Objective: To develop an effective and functional passenger reservation system. Specific Objectives: a. To record data of various routes originating from Bangalore b. To verify that the total distance travelled by each passenger does not exceeded 3000km. c. To provide a facility for cancellation. Analysis Traveling is a large growing business in or country. Bus reservation system deals with maintenance of records of details of each passenger who had reserved a seat for a journey. It also includes maintenance of information like schedule and details of each bus. We observed the working of the Bus reservation system and after going through it, we get to know that there are many operations, which they have to do manually. It takes a lot of time and causes many errors. Due to this, sometimes a lot of problems occur and they were facing many disputes with customers. To solve the above problem, and further maintaining records of items, seat availability for customers, price of per seat, bill generation and other things, we are offering this proposal of reservation system. Our reservation system has two modules. First module helps him to reserve a ticket. Using second module he can cancel a reserved ticket. Requirements Definition Functional Requirements a. Should be able to create a new login for accessing the reservation facility. . See current reservations on different buses along with the details. The system should automatically show amount of money needs to be pay for selected seats. Non- Functional Requirements a. The administrator shall usually do anything on the system in all forms. Administrator is responsible for updating and maintenance of the systems content such as adding/ removing information about the system.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Hamlet and his antic disposition

Hamlet and his antic disposition Hamlet's idea of pretending to become crazy so that he can take revenge on his father's death was a bad strategy. In doing this Hamlet ran onto a lot of problems. The situations like the death of Ophelia, his fighting with his mother, trying to fool the King and Polonius, his own downfall and finally his death all illustrate why. Hamlet's antic disposition made him lose control of his own actions and resulted in Hamlet losing everything.Hamlet's antic disposition was the main reason why Ophelia committed suicide and why Hamlet fought with his mother. Hamlet believed that if he showed no more feelings for Ophelia and showed hatred and cruelty for his mother, people and particularly the King and Polonius, would believe that he was truly mad. He shows that he has no feelings for Ophelia when he says to her "You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it.King of Greece let not ever the soul of Nero enter this form bosom. Let me be cruel, not unnatural; I will speak daggers to her, but use none." In both of these situations, Hamlet's act of madness gained him nothing but significant loss.Hamlet believed that if the...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Capacity Strategy at Alden Products

Capacity strategy should embody a mental model of how a firm works in a given industry and geographic region. There are a series of assumptions and predictions about the log-term behaviour of markets, technologies, costs and competitor’s behaviour. Such a model would include the following factors: * Predicted growth and variability of demand for the firm’s products and services * Costs of building and operating different sized-facilities * Likely rate and direction of technological evolution Expected behaviour of competitors * Anticipated availability, capabilities and costs of external suppliers The European organization of Alden Products, Inc. is contemplating a doubling of unit sales over the next ten years. Their largest plant, located in Holland, was set up 25 years earlier to supply all demands of the EEC countries on the continent. It has since expanded six times. The question in mind pertaining to the case is that: * Should it expand again? * Should it build a new plant in Southern Europe? Or should it expand its use of contract fillers? As of 1988, 75% of Alden-Europe’s sales took place on the continent and 25% came from UK. Out of 75% of the continent, * 25% came from France, * 12. 5% came from Italy, * 37. 5% came from Spain and Germany Alden-Europe’s overall growth was expected to average over 40% per year but this varied across various countries. Thus, there was a high degree of uncertainty about the growth rate in several countries. The capacity strategy adopted by API was Policy C: Add Capacity Only after Demand Exceeds It. This policy implies that the company’s capacity plan will contain a negative cushion so that the likelihood of running short is greater than the likelihood of having excess capacity. As per my analysis of the scenario, I feel that API should expand at Uniplant based upon the following factors: How capacity and operations management will interact in case of expansion? An operation’s actual capacity is affected by some important factors. They are as follows: 1. Capacity is technology based: A number of Uniplant’s products used proprietary formulations and ingredients. Opening up a plant in new location would make the management get reluctant to risk the secrecy of these formulations. The same would be applicable if they would go ahead with contract fillers. 2. Capacity depends on the interaction of multiple resource constraints: Uniplant attains the following advantage over Southern Europe in matters like: * No additional land needed * Availability of labour * Fewer additional employees * Cost Advantage in terms of production of own plastic bottles Availability and long-term relationship with suppliers * Speed up the processing time . Capacity is location specific: Holland is a desirable place in terms of access to raw materials, proximity to markets via existing rail lines and highways, labour costs, tax rates and political and social stability. 4. Capacity is mix dependent: The capacity of the plant which was under 90% was greatly dependent on the production mix which included both the product mix and size mix. Different products/services consume different amounts of various resources, so a change in location could affect the product mix as the availability of the various resources could also differ. Capacity depends on management policies: The management was clear about the fact the product quality should be clearly distinguishable as superior to the competition in terms of performance, packaging and design finish. Hence by subcontracting, the company would increase the risk of reduction in quality and customer service and increase in indirect costs. 6. Capacity is affected by the degree of variability of demand: Sales in different countries were expected to grow at different rates. There were also changes predicted to occur in wage and exchange rates. Hence, an increase in the number of plants would just complicate the entire issue. In terms of sizing of capacity increments taking into account scale considerations, the company should attain long term economies of scale. This scale refers to the economies that arise from using one large facility rather than a number of smaller ones. This often results in savings because the processing capacity is roughly proportional to its interior volume and its cost is more closely related to the surface area in terms of where the materials and labour hours are concentrated. We also know that though there is a growth in demand, variability exists across different countries. Greater the variability, there are chances that there would be a greater amount of underutilized capacity and at this stage opening a new plant in a different location altogether could make the entire scenario vulnerable. Drawbacks of not opening a new plant in Southern Europe are as follows: * Loose an opportunity to tap a lower cost labour market * Reduction in transportation costs had a new plant come up in Southern Europe * Would not be able to offset the protectionist sentiment in both France and Italy. Thus we see that by adopting the option of expansion at Uniplant, the company would be in a better state as compared to the other options. However a few recommendations in terms of changes to be mad in the expansion plan are provided below: Uniplant’s mark-up price should be reduced from 10% to 5% initially and then become nil in mere future. This would increase the number of sales from the customer point of view and would also help other countries to price their products competitively even during times when there is any kind of fluctuation in exchange rates. They should equalize the unit transportation costs to all subsidiaries which would make the entire process less complex and fair. This would help in maintaining long term relationships with them. Standardized products could be subcontracted but products involving high-technology shouldn’t be under contract filling as this could increase the risk of quality deterioration and increase in indirect costs.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bernard Arnault's Leadership Style Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bernard Arnault's Leadership Style - Case Study Example Louis Vuitton was a family run business in those days and in mid Eighties and he had to fight a bitter battle to gain control of this company. His appreciators say that he has inborn vision of clever marketing, creative designs and knows how to keep a tight control over his empire without a single slackening moment. He knows how to conduct global business with an uncanny ability and stopped further acquisitions when time was unfavourable. His leadership style is highly appreciated in the Corporate world. Entry into luxury marketing needs powerful backing and he received it from the French government which was looking for someone to take over the textile empire. It is said that the sale of his Mediterranean home made him exclaim that "When something has to be done, do it! In France we are full of good ideas, but we rarely put them into practice" (Forbes, June 2, 19971). His powerful friend Antoine Bernheim, MD of investment firm Lazard Freres arranged finance and family arranged $15 million of their own money and the total was used to buy Dior, which he said was the potential cornerstone of 'luxury-goods supermarket'. Also it is believed to be a brutal rise to power with opportunistic leadership strategies in which Henry Racamier, the former chairman of LVMH's Louis Vuitton was eliminated along with all top executives. His dicision making is ruthless, almost vicious and full of calculated risk taking. He knew how to balance commerce and artistry by involving both sound management practices with creativity. He was careful to be choosy when it came to picking his managers. "He believed that to raise creative energy, a company must have managers with a certain love for and understanding of artists" and he hired John Galliano, who could create unusually melodramatic unconventional designs" The old business house changed its profile overnight to display the most brilliant artistry. A trained pianist, Arnault always maintained a creative eye and created a name for himself as the most unique CEO of the world. He insisted on financial discipline without curbing artistic innovation because he thought creativity counterbalances the commerce. He could be an autocrat and showed it when he terminated services of Dior perfumes heads to replace them with new US executives who became unpopular while company financially gained and this move resulted in some of the timeless most enduring 'star brands' which he explained: "Our strategy is to have some stars-and there are not many stars in the luxury business. What is a star It's a name that is the very best. It's a name that is very profitable. But the number of true stars is less than I can count on both of my hands" (New York Times, March 25, 2001). He went on a bourgeoisie shopping spree and indulged himself while amassing a business empire par excellence which spread all over the western world. He was advised against too large an expansion, but he believed in himself and came out a winner. He referred to the competitors in one of his interviews: "They saw it was working. And then they said, 'Okay, now we are going to do the same thing.' I think, really, they underestimate the difficulty. They underestimate

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Aircraft Accident Models Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Aircraft Accident Models - Article Example Instrumentation of monitoring equipments within the rotating parts requires design of temperature resistance sensors with ability to detect slight changes in flaws within the engine. The sensors must have excellent accuracy to deter active and latent errors that may occur due insensitivity of aircraft operators or attendants including the pilot. Essentially, such aircraft accident models including latent or active errors would greatly remain minimized with effective instrumentation of proper monitoring devices. Consequently, the article discusses initiatives explored by both NASA and AVSP in designing contemporary efficient sensors that would find proper use in monitoring flaws within gas engines. Such sensors would significantly assist in reducing aircraft accidents through effective monitoring of rotating components of the plane (Woike et al., 2005). The article remains imperative in presenting an investigative approach to other scientists towards establishing a novel sensor that would significantly reduce structural health issues and accidents associated with aircrafts. Moreover, findings and analysis outlined in the research would spur development of more novel approaches to combating aircraft accident models that have persistently caused problems within the airline

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Indian or Singaporean English Essay Example for Free

Indian or Singaporean English Essay Indeed, language has been one of the most fundamental elements of culture. As such, culture and history brings about a language. However, in today’s society, English is slowly becoming a global language. This is to say, many people are learning English as their second language and because of this, dialects are starting to form out of English. These smaller versions of English bring to it the culture of those trying to learn it – whether they are African-Americans, Hispanics or Asians. Because each is unique and is a reflection of different cultures, the label of Standard English used by Americans is a bit inappropriate. To say that there is one standard means that the others are less formal or different from the norm. In fact, it is not the deviation from the standard that sets these apart but culture and history, which is brought about by these dialects. For me, Hispanics speaking English brings into the language the passion and intensity of the Spanish language. It should not be looked down upon as is the case of Ebonics or Black English. Some words that are not normally used by pure white Americans may be included in such dialects but it is not because it is slang or informal, but because it is a reflection of the heritage that speaks them – whether it be African Americans or Hispanics. People should be proud of how they speak even though it may not be classified as â€Å"standard† because the way they speak shows who they are. In learning English, it is not good to simply copy how the majority speaks English but to learn the language but still let our native culture and heritage to shine through. This is why I feel that it is very appalling when people think a dialect is uncultured or uneducated when in fact it is simple a different kind of culture and education that is being shown by the dialect. In fact, the assumption of a â€Å"standard† only means that the people who define which are the norms are the ones in power. They use â€Å"standard† English and therefore, they want their type of language to be the best. They themselves are proud of their way of speaking and want everybody to understand the beauty of their type of English. However, this is also the case for everyone. Now, if only minorities would see their dialects in the same way then they too can consider their dialect as, not only valid, but also equally respectable and normal. Growing up and learning English as my second language has helped me gain a respect for my Hispanic-Anglish language. It shows that even if I speak a different language than my native tongue, I am still able to hold on to who I am and still my culture and history is brought out whenever I speak. This certain kind of pride helps me to feel respected and part of the norm. However, I know that society is a tough crowd. Even though I may feel my brand of English is beautiful and at equal footing with the â€Å"standard†, officially, I know that there is a certain type of success associated with some variations of English. The language as spoken by Americans or English will still be considered as better and more educated by most people. That is why I am hoping my daughter will be given the same benefits as local Americans or naturally English speaking people because her first language and my husband’s first language is English. I do not feel there is something else I can do to change this fact, since I know it is integrated already into the mindset and system of society. It is institutionally and culturally accepted. However, for me who is learning English, I do not feel compelled to make other people speak â€Å"standard† English in order to treat them better or to look upon them with more respect and/or admiration. I know for a fact that most people learning another language puts in the time and effort that deserves such respect and/or admiration. Therefore, I am not afraid to show and give it to them. I do hope that one day, the people who are naturally speaking English, can look upon those studying and taking English as their second language at the same level. Some words may be different. Some accent may be present. But the fact of the matter is, English is just an expression of emotions and feelings and thoughts and opinions. It should not be a means of segregating people and classifying them as a lower class or a less educated class. In fact, it should be the opposite. Language should be used to connect people and to integrate different experiences and culture. The fact that people like me are studying English bringing in our experiences and culture to it means we are breathing in new life to English and enriching it. Even people who are not in America who are adopting English to their own language commands such respect. Indian or Singaporean English have become an entity of their own. They bring in new words and means of expressions while retaining English as the backbone of the new language being developed. This is a means of enriching English instead of breaking it down and destroying it. Instead of just carrying the same expressions and words, the exotic experiences and everyday lives of these foreigners are forging with English and therefore, creating a livelier language. People who speak English in their own land while keeping intact their own first languages therefore makes English a more global language and are uniting the world and making people feel closer and more connected with each other.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ethnic Minorities in America Essay -- Ethnicity Hearing Impaired Paper

Ethnic Minorities in America In the United States the term "minority" often infers membership within an ethnic or cultural minority group. However, this term also encompasses other groups that lack equality, such as women, homosexuals and people with disabilities. By definition, the hearing majority classifies Deaf people as minorities because of their inability to hear. Yet linguists and social scientists argue that the basis of Deaf people's status as a minority group is not one of disability, but as a cultural and linguistic minority (Lane, Hoffmeister and Bahan: 1996: 335-6). In order to assert that Deaf people are a linguistic and cultural minority in America the characteristics of a minority group must first be defined. According to Schaeffer, members of a minority group share the following five characteristics: Members of a minority group experience unequal treatment and have less power over their lives than members of a dominant group. Members of a minority group share physical and cultural characteristics that distinguish them such as skin color or language. Each society has its own arbitrary standard for determining which characteristics are most important in defining dominant and minority groups. Membership in a dominant or majority group is often involuntary Minority group members have a strong sense of group solidarity. Members of a minority group generally marry others from the same group. (Schaffer, 1998: 6) Furthermore, ethnic minorities have other characteristics that set them apart from the majority such as language, national origin and cultural differences. (Schaffer, 1998: 7) Audism is defined as an attitude based on pathological thinking which results in a negative stigma toward anyon... ...ick. The World According to Pat: Reflections of Residential School Days ASLRTC Video Proceedings, TJ Publishers, Silver Spring, MD. Humphrey, Jan and Alcorn, Bob (1995). So You Want To Be An Interpreter: An Introduction to Sign Language Interpreting (2nd Edition) H&H Publishers, Amarillo, TX. Lane, Harlan; Hoffmeister, Rob and Bahan, Ben (1996). A Journey Into the Deaf-World Dawn Sign Press, San Diego, CA. Padden, Carol and Humphries, Tom (1988). Deaf In America: Voices From a Culture Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Schaeffer, Richard T. (1998). Racial and Ethnic Groups (7th Edition) Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc., New York, NY. Shelly, Suan and Schneck, Jim (1998). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Sign Language Alpha Books, New York, NY. Wilcox, Sherman (ed) (1989). American Deaf Culture Linstok Press, Burtonsville, MD.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nutrient Density

Nutrition Density Essay After having calculated the nutrient density of seven food groups in a spreadsheet, the food group that came to have the highest Nutrient Density was the vegetable group obtaining an average of 7. 76712 Nutrient Density. The food group that came to have the lowest Nutrient Density was the â€Å"junk food† group, having an average of 0. 24845 Nutrient Density. One of the factors that contribute to foods having a high or low Nutrient Density is the amount of calories.I noticed that the foods with fewer calories had a higher Nutrient Density, and vice versa, the foods with more calories had a lower Nutrient Density. Another factor that contributes to the high and low Nutrient Density is that the foods with high Nutrients Density have a higher percentage of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. Foods with low Nutrient Density have an insignificant amount of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. When analyzing the Nutrient Density results of the seven fo od groups, I was not surprised of the results.Before having calculated the average Nutrient Density of the seven food groups I had predicted that the vegetable group was going to have the highest Nutrient Density, and that the ‘junk food† group was going to have the lowest Nutrient Density. According to the results, the food groups that tend to be the most expensive are the vegetable and fruit group. The food groups that tend to be the least expensive are the grains and the â€Å"junk food† group.One of the factors that contribute to foods having low cost per 100 Calories is because foods such as grains and â€Å"junk food† are associated with higher energy density. By contrast, vegetables and fruit are associated with lower energy density and tend to more expensive. There is an association between cost per 100 Calories and Nutrient Density, foods with higher Nutrient Density and fewer Calories tend to be more expensive and foods with a lower Nutrient Densi ty and more Calories tend to be less expensive.The message I got from doing this assignment is that the healthier foods such as vegetables and fruits, which contain a high Nutrient Density are far more expensive than unhealthy food (junk food) such as sodas, candies chips which only provide an insignificant amount of nutrients. Eating healthy can be costly, but it’s better for our own health. In contrast, unhealthy food like junk food is cheaper, but it will not provide you with much nutrients rather it may cause problems to your health if we consume too much of it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Benefits of Human Resource Portals Essay

Torres-Coronas & Arias-Oliva define a human resource portal as a set of applications which avails a single gateway to personalized as well as customized information (2005). It is worth mentioning that Portal strategies are currently being either adopted or employed in many modern organizations. This has been necessitated by the need of organization to implement one common base in terms of Human Resource procedures and policies throughout the organization. In addition, there is an increase in the number of international branches in several organizations due to the urge for global expansion. With this background this paper will objectively discuss the reasons for the popularity of human resource portals among the human resource managers. Human resource portals enable the human resource managers to experience enterprise unification especially if a global HR portal is put in place. This solution ensures the provision of better services to the employees. Besides, human resource managers in global organizations find it very easy to connect directly with the employees and the entire workforce of the firm in all locations. Employees can easily access all the relevant services via the employee portal and as such the human resource manager does not have to attend to each individual employee unless under very special circumstances. This consequently reduces the workload of the human resource managers due to the availability of short cut processes (Torres-Coronas & Arias-Oliva, 2005). Additionally, the managers are in a better position to focus on the achievement of organizational strategic goals. A case in point is the Time Warner’s portal, which is referred to as the Employee Connection. This portal gives the 80,000 employees of this organization, expense reimbursement, access to benefits enrollment and other services (Robb, 2006). The recruitment process has equally been made easier, faster and more efficient. Considering global staffing technology and operations, the BearingPoint portal is a milestone achievement when it comes to global recruitment. Its â€Å"Called Career Connections† enables employees to access and apply for jobs internationally, thus making it very simple for human resource managers to carry out recruitment. Moreover, the referral section found in this portal allows for online employee referrals that give room for new employees, unlike initially where the firm relied on premium job boards which were very expensive (Robb, 2006). It is worth mentioning that these portals are usually affected by issues such as local regulations in terms of taxation as well as privacy. For instance, the Data Privacy Directive employed within the European Union which restricts transmission and monitors the type of data in question. This therefore implies that some employees working in other international branches of any firm may not be able to access information stored in other parts of the world (Hildebrandt & Gutwirth, 2008). However, when the right measures are put in place, there are more advantages that come with the employment of these portals and as such human resource portals are increasingly become more popular among the human resource managers.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Are you a victim of the weekend effect -The JobNetwork

Are you a victim of the weekend effect  -The JobNetwork Does the following scenario sound like an all-too-familiar weekly routine for you? After a long and stressful workweek and Friday approaches- and finally arrives- you feel a palpable, positive shift in your overall sense of mental well-being. Your mood lifts, your outlook on life and the world improves, it’s almost as if you’re a completely new person, just in time for the weekend!And then†¦Sunday hits and you’re faced with the notion of another workweek. Sunday morning may start out fine, but as the day wears on your thoughts turn to Monday, and all of the things waiting for you at work- the tasks, the meetings, the stress. And suddenly, your new outlook on life isn’t so new and improved anymore, and starts to revert to your usual, not-so-positive workweek mode.This might perfectly encapsulate this week for you, or last week, or any other workweek that you can conjure up in your memory. And trust us, if this sounds like you then rest assured that you ’re not alone. There’s even a term for this- the weekend effect- and it’s a common phenomenon afflicting countless workers across industries and jobs. It can have a wide range of negative consequences on your professional and personal life, beyond ruining at least half of your weekend!Are you a victim of the weekend effect? Why does this happen? Is there any way to fight it? Great questions! If you’re eager to learn more and discover some helpful strategies for freeing yourself from the dreaded weekend effect, then keep reading!Causes of the weekend effectOkay, so now we know that lots of people, regardless of where they’re at in their lives or careers, suffer from the weekend effect. But where does it come from? The weekend effect directly stems from how you perceive your current job. All of the elements of your job factor into this equation- your current position in relation to your overall career aspirations, your job role and responsibilities, your physical workspace, your perception of your coworkers and feelings about your boss, even your thoughts about your daily commute enter into the mix.If you’re looking to diagnose yourself to determine if you’re a victim of the weekend effect, first take a careful mental inventory of your thoughts on all of the above job-related items. This only works if you’re completely honest, so make sure you pull no punches while taking stock of your work feelings.You should also check your physiological reactions when thoughts of work enter your mind. Does your pulse quicken and blood pressure rise? Is a headache or slow churning in the pit of your stomach never far off when you start focusing on your work life? Do you feel a surge of negative thoughts and emotions take hold when thinking about your average work day or week?A great way to figure out if you’re the victim of the weekend effect is to take a daily mental inventory across an entire workweek, and look f or trends. Do negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, and physical symptoms worsen at the beginning of the week and gradually ebb as the weekend approaches? Do your friends, family, or colleagues notice concerning trends in your behavior or mood based on the day of the week?Does this pattern seem to repeat itself every week? If so, then you may be caught in a vicious â€Å"weekend effect cycle,† and despite its relatively harmless-sounding name it can have a tangible, measurable, and harmful effect on your life- everything from your work performance and interactions with coworkers to your personal pursuits and relationships outside of work can suffer. Even your physical health isn’t safe from its effects!If you think you’re a victim of the weekend effect, you have every reason to take things seriously and take matters into your own hands in an effort to escape this. Keep reading for some helpful strategies for freeing yourself from this vicious cycle!How to comba t the weekend effectA great strategy for combating the weekend effect is to attack it at its roots. According to a recent report by Psychology Today, the key causes of the weekend effect are a perceived lack of workplace autonomy, a disinterest in work activities, a disconnection from professional responsibilities and relationships, and feelings of a general lack of competency on the job, whether real or imagined.Do any of these sound like you? If so, make a real effort towards positive change in these areas. Overhauling your entire work life all at once may seem daunting, but small, positive steps and incremental change can make a world of difference. Consider the following approaches to help fight the dreaded weekend effect.Focus on the positiveSure, there are things at work that bring out negative feeling and emotions, we all have them, but the key is to try not to let them take over your thoughts completely. Try making a list of things that you feel positive about regarding your current work situation, and set your focus there. It can contain things that are large (like one of your primary work responsibilities) or relatively small (maybe you like the fact that your desk is by a window with a nice view?). Some people find that just being appreciative that they even have a job in a tough job market helps them through stressful times. The list itself doesn’t have to be particularly long, the only criteria is that it contains items that elicit positive feeling and emotions. Once you have your list, make sure to turn to it whenever your thoughts about work start to turn negative, and hopefully you’ll start seeing a shift in how the idea of work makes you feel.Change what you canThis might seem obvious, but so many of us have become so good at putting off making positive change in our lives, and accepting a less positive version of reality, that it really bears mentioning. You know all of the things that make you feel angry, frustrated, and negati ve when it comes to your work world, and the truth is that some of those things aren’t in our immediate power to change (if only we were able to choose our bosses†¦). That said, there are certainly things at work that bother us that we can change, and these are the things you should focus your energy and effort on. We suggest you start small. Decorate your workspace so that it’s more cheerful. Try improving your communication and relationship with at least one colleague each week. Take regular breaks during the day (but don’t overdo it!) in an effort to combat burnout. You’ll soon start seeing a wave of positive work-related feelings wash over you. Then take on larger things, like those work responsibilities that you consistently dread or your interactions with your boss. Remember- every positive step you make involving work, no matter how small, will help keep the weekend effect at bay.Focus on the fundamentalsanother obvious one, perhaps, but many people don’t seem to â€Å"connect the dots† between living a healthy life and having a positive relationship with our jobs. Taking care of the fundamentals- getting plenty of sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in plenty of exercise- will not only improve the quality of our personal lives, it will also help make us happier and more productive employees. Trust us on this one.If all else fails- life is short, and none of us get an unlimited supply of weekends to stress out through. If you just can’t seem to shake the weekend effect, consider making a job or career change. We’re not endorsing anything impulsive, but it couldn’t hurt to start making plans for a future shift- sometimes the simple act of setting a new goal, no matter how far off the finish line is, can bring about a wave of positive feelings to help combat the weekend effect.Say goodbye to the weekend effect!Now that you know what the weekend effect is, and whether or not youâ₠¬â„¢re among its unfortunate victims, you can start working towards eradicating it. Use the strategies mentioned here and take back control of your weekends.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Difficulties of Implementing Motivation to Modern Work Place Essay

Difficulties of Implementing Motivation to Modern Work Place - Essay Example The manager should realise that mental revolution is necessary which may push the organisation members to go to work willingly and enthusiastically. Highly motivated people will require lesser control to ensure the organization that work will be executed on time. However, it should not be misunderstood that motivation is a substitute of planning organising and controlling. There have been a lot of difficulties in implementing motivation to the modern work place. This is because a man's behaviour is related with the form of behaviour, a man presents to the work. This is related to the motivating factors that are inherent in the man and affect his behaviour on the work. Analysing the human behaviour can search out this motivation factor. There are reasons as to why a man behaves in a particular manner. If a man does not behave properly, we must understand that there is something wrong with him and the organisation should take proper care in analysing and if possible in eliminating that reason. For that purpose, the management must have a full knowledge of human behaviour. Need* is one of the motivating factor. If a person behaves properly, it means his needs are satisfied and if his needs remain unsatisfied, his behaviour cannot remain satisfactory and he will behave in a negative way. A person joins an organisation and brings with him certain needs that affect his job performance. Some of these needs, a man cannot survive without * Include both what a person must have and what he merely wants to have. them such as food, clothes and shelter. However, some other needs have psychological and social values. We have primary and secondary needs and primary needs are satisfied first and other needs come later. He tried to give needs a priority order as physiological, security, social, esteem and self-actualisation. The management and employees try to satisfy these needs in that priority order. Abraham Maslow suggested the following hierarchy of needs which an individual attempts to satisfy them in this order: Basic physiological needs; safety and security needs; belongingness, social love needs; esteem and status needs; and self actualisation or self realisation or self fulfilment needs. Maslow's central theme revolves around the meaning and significance of human work and seems to epitomize Voltaire's observation in Candied, 'work banishes the three great evils -boredom, vice and poverty'. The great sage Yajnavalkya explains in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad that by good works a man becomes holy, by evil works evil. A mans personality is the sum total of his works and that only his works survive a man at death. This is perhaps the essence of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, as it is more commonly know. Maslow's major works include the standard textbook. Maslow's theory of human motivation is, in fact, the basis of McGregor's theory 'Y' briefly described above. The basic h uman needs, according to Maslow, are: physiological needs; safety needs; love needs; esteem needs; and self-actualisation needs. Mans behaviour is seen as dominated by his unsatisfied needs and he is a 'perpetually wanting animal', for when one need is satisfied he aspires for the next higher one. This is, therefore, seen as an ongoing activity, in which the man is totally absorbed in order to attain perfection through self-development. The highest state of self-actualisation

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Education - Field Placement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Education - Field Placement - Essay Example Furthermore when theoretical lessons were taught, discussion between students was not allowed. The rules were not posted in the classroom but were an understanding between the teacher and the students. 3. Teacher Procedures The most common procedure for distributing materials used by the teacher is emailing these materials to students. Other than this method the teacher also prints class based materials and distributes them physically to all the students in class (Walberg, 2010). These physical materials generally include instructions. The materials in class are collected through email as the students email their work to the teacher. Classroom helpers are assigned by the teacher on a need basis that is when the teacher feels a requirement to do so. These helpers are designated by oral instructions of the teacher. Students can ask the teacher to go to the bathroom at anytime by raising their hand. Moreover the teacher has all the relevant teaching materials well organized before each lesson. 4. Instructional Activities The teacher grabs student attention by pedagogical design and through intervention. The instructions of the teacher are highly simplified to make them clear to all kinds of students in class. In order to refresh the attention spans of children the teacher allows for activities in between theoretical lessons and instructions. ... The students are encouraged to interact with the teacher and amongst themselves but in allocated time spaces. For example the students interact with the teacher at the end of instructions for clarifications. Similarly students are allowed to interact with each other when deemed necessary by the teacher and are allowed free discourse. As the students are working the teacher moves around the classroom in a bid to gauge their efforts at work and advises them for corrections where required. After the end of seat activity the teacher monitors students through effective feedback from the students themselves. 5. Monitoring Student Behavior Groups are formed based on the students’ performance in the last three tests. This method ensures that each group consists of children who perform well, average and poorly. Such group composition ensures that the poor performers learn from those doing better. When working individually the students are seated separate from each other at a specific d istance from each other such that they cannot peak at other’s work. Materials are distributed to students who further disperse them amongst themselves but talking is not allowed while the distribution of materials proceeds. The teacher actively ensures that materials are used safely and intervenes if felt necessary. Talk and movement is neither allowed nor encouraged during work unless absolutely necessary for some reason. The students can grab the teacher’s attention for queries or other reasons by simply raising one hand in the air after which the teacher addresses their concern. Similarly the teacher grabs student attention by either calling their name or pointing to them (Lovat, Toomey, & Clement, 2010). When students work in small groups they are seated together such

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Women and Girls Trafficking for Jihad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women and Girls Trafficking for Jihad - Essay Example The practice has raised eyebrows and worldwide concern when it was alleged cases of women and young girls trafficking were reported. In this case, women and other young girls are forcefully captured and held as captives for sexual Jihad notoriously propagated by the Tunisian women. It stresses on some of the major sins that are condemned by the Islamic religion. One of them is adultery. It is considered one of the greatest sins in the eyes of Islam. Thus anyone who commits this sin is said to have done a grievous deed and therefore he or she must be punished for the sin committed. This becomes even worse when the girls or women who are used in the performance or propagation of this sin are trafficked and forced into the acts (Rashid, 2000). Adultery is strongly condemned in the Muslim faith since it is regarded as an evil that breeds other evils in the society. This is indicated in the words of Allah in the Quran, which states that â€Å"Do not go near to adultery. Surely it is a shameful deed and evil, opening roads (to other evils).† (17:32). It is an indication that regardless of the gender, Muslims must refrain from adultery which is regarded as the most evil and shameless deed. In addition, besides the evil in itself, adultery is also shunned because it also breeds other forms of evil in the society. In this case of the jihadists, adultery creates the need to traffic women and young girls in an unlawful manner. Therefore, it acts as a start of the circle of more new evils. In addition, although the Quran acknowledges the act of slavery, it prohibits trafficking of girls and women and in particular does not condone any sexual relations with the abducted girls. In this sense, the Tunisian women who are involved in these activities greatly go against the Islamic laws and are eligible for punishment (Kassam, 2010).   

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Work based practice in childhood studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Work based practice in childhood studies - Essay Example Therefore, the social integration tool curbs the theoretical stereotypes surrounding the needy children in a given society. The inclusive play environment should be more engaging to all the children. The placement makes children feel comfortable and the transition of different schedules should incorporate joyous moods created by singing and dancing (Gibbs 1988, p.43). This paper is an account on how inclusive play promotes children’s development in a special setting of work placement. In addition, the benefits of the inclusive play will extensively be discussed as well as its theoretical aspects (Cochran, Cochran & Nordling 2013, p. 106). The inclusive play placement refers to the location of the inclusive play activity. The play environment provides a surface justice by its ability of being equitable and usable by all the children. It provides an atmosphere of mutual acceptance, fun and respect. Based on an account of an inclusive play placement, the practitioner allowed the children to decide on what they wanted to do by voting and they chose a role play (Martin 2010, p. 56). The practitioner therefore provided the children with role play costumes, even though, some were comfortable with face painting while others pretended to be actors, for instance, Spiderman. The scheme was made more joyous and favourable for the children through the provision of weekly theme songs, drawings and dancing (Moore 2004, p. 33). This specific inclusive play reflected a diverse society in terms of nationality and culture. The children celebrated diversity by displaying a big welcome note written in all languages at the entrance. The c hildren enjoyed the celebratory mood by listening and dancing to Chinese music as well as designing candles of their choice and further enjoyed inventions of the Diwali celebratory cards (Walters 2013, p. 78). The disability discrimination act affirms the provision of equal rights and fair treatments as well as equal access to play

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Gender Affecting The Choice Of Taboo Words English Language Essay

Gender Affecting The Choice Of Taboo Words English Language Essay This paper is aimed to discuss further on the gender that affecting the choice of taboo words. I will focus on the sexual related word FUCK. Through this study, it is able to explain in sociolinguistics view. why there is less frequency of female apply the word FUCK in daily life. In addition, the observation through the usage of this word by Hong Kong native-born, it is a goal to reflect how society conceptions or interpretations on two sexes. Background In Hong Kong, the popular of using foul words is enhancing within ten years. Affected by Western culture, the English foul words like FUCK is gradually existed in Hong Kong. Yet, from writers experience, the use of FUCK word in daily life is male more than female. Thus, through the research we can see how the society values influence the communication process. The target people being observed is the Hong Kong native-born, whose values are the most representing the local interpretations on genders. Taboo language existed a very long time and there are some studies focused on the taboo field. K. Allen (2006) pointed out that there is no an absolute taboo word, the taboo refers to a behavior of a community in the particular situations and contexts. However, when the taboo words related to gender, like the sexual behaviors, tabooed bodily, sexual activities are become taboo language. Viewing on the sociolinguistic approach, this approach stated that there are relationship between use of linguistic in systematic way and social value. Statement Viewing the 20s of Hong Kong native-born, how the gender affecting the frequency of the word FUCK using in daily life. The possible respondents are the young adults in both genders within the age 20 to 29 distributed by educational level. Proposition From writers experience, young adults are commonly used this language then the elderly. In Hong Kong this modern city, the view of native-born citizen towards sex is still conservative. Thus, native-born people still carry a negative perception on the word FUCK. From the traditional view, patriarchy empowered the status of men and the view of sex and women speak behavior are followed the mens impression. This implied that women using the taboo language are an impolite and unsuited behavior of a lady. Until now, it is thought that Hong Kong native-born women are still influence by this custom. Bibliography review From the research of B. Murphy (2010) on examining taboo language across the age group, it is obvious to see the word FUCK is the most common sexual taboo word. The high frequency of this word is because FUCK is a transitive verb and carries multiple functions, including expressing emotional meaning, referential function and intensifier. (R. Wajnryb, 2004). Some theorists like Julian Burnside illustrated that our society judged this human action and sex is the illegal part of human existence thus FUCK is the impolite use of word. In my research, sexual words are taboo in Chinese traditional ideas. Thus, FUCK as a popular word in foul language. It is an important keyword to raise the way on society views on both genders. According the similar study by B. Murphy (2010) on the use of FUCK among different age groups, the young women aged 20s are concluded as the group freely to come across the ethical overtone and frequently apply profane phrases in daily life. Thus, I targeted my research to the young adults between 20s. Many previous studies showed that the communication way between men and women are different. Such as A.Peer (2005) mentioned, the stereotyped beliefs on the speech style of genders are based on the social status of men and women in society. Goddard and Patterson (2000) invented the word folklinguistics to define the talking behaviors of men and women. The women usually less swear than men. Some popular phrases like lady doesnt swear and man never cry reflected the expectation of the men and women act in various ways. I believe the society shared viewpoint is one the largest factors affecting the communication behavior towards genders. I think these theories also applied to Hong Kong. Methodology This paper is a qualitative research. Thus, the data collected for looking the patterns and the comparing to the theories. It is chose to use participant-observation as a tool to enter the group and have an informal interview to the target age group. I would be standing as the outside observer and play the active role to raise questions in the targeted group. Sources of data collection The data mainly gathered from three ways, organizing the collective discussions in face to face with target groups and the informal interviews. While face to face discussions can be viewed as gathering the spoken discourse, interviews ensure the quality of data got is valuable. Data from discussion is used to analyze the characteristics of both sexes in communication behaviors. Through the word FUCK, these interact behaviors can be reflected as the hidden attitudes on genders. On the other hand, the informal interview is a qualitative way to view the perceptions of these communication behaviors. Strength and weakness of data collection methods Collective Discussions (Focus group) facilitate researcher to gather various views on a topic because the sexual related word is a comparatively sensitive in Hong Kong. The dual moderator focus group is the effective way to observe the reactions of target participants. The designed questions stimulate the talk and interactions under defined topic in the groups. The speeches and experiences from participants can encourage the others to response and voice out their feelings on genders. This is a more objective view to observe the sentence structure and patterns difference within gender comparing to interviews. However, the ideas picked are only from the focus group. The data may not represent the views of all the people in age 20s. Moreover, the discussion involves more than ten people and the comments from participants would be persuasive and affect the others thought. Then, react of group members may not behave in a natural way and the data collected may not be accurate. Hence, organize few focus groups with different participants among twenties is the way to higher the accuracy of data collected. Informal interview (Semi-structured interview) is another way to collect the useful data and replenish the weakness from focus group. Interviewees are more willing to share their personal experience. The interviewer can adjust the questions in a flexible way according to the responses. The questions about genders and sex can be even more specific and sensitive. Although informal interview may involve the subjective view both in the questions and responses, it is a way to understand how the social value affects the choice of word in taboo language. In addition, this method ensures the quality of the data collected that is related to the topic and valuable. Instructions of data collection All the compulsory questions drafted should be asked in both collective discussions and semi-structured interviews. The optional questions are free to ask after finishing compulsory questions. The focus group will be organized in twelve people among the age of twenties and they should be all native-born in Hong Kong. As the groups will be formed three times, the numbers of participants will be altogether thirty-six people. The group should include all ages of twenties, at least one person in each target age. Every time the numbers of men and women are the same. The informal interview will be organized in face to face and on phone. The total numbers of interviewees are sixty. The interviewer should try to avoid using imperative questions for example; dont you think women swear less than men? The opened-ended questions are encouraged to ask if the interviewees are willing to answer. List of probable sources of evidence to be investigated List of questions asked of respondents Analysis Data analysis methods Case study analysis plan Expected outcomes and discussion

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Importance of Caliban in William Shakespeares The Tempest Essay

The Importance of Caliban in William Shakespeare's The Tempest    'This thing of darkness, I must acknowledge mine.' Although many seem baffled by Shakespeare's The Tempest, the plot is not the target to be deciphered. We understand The Tempest through understanding the character of Caliban. Many works highlight the virtuous side of human nature, failing to acknowledge the darkness that lives within the hearts of all. The Tempest is not one of these works. This story realizes that it is impossible to have the good aspect of human nature without the bad. Caliban helps the reader realize that the difference between good and bad people is the way in which the hidden dark side manifests itself to the outside world. Ostensibly, The Tempest is a play based around Prospero: his power to punish versus his power to forgive. ?Many scholars believe that this is a semi-autobiographical work, written towards the end of Shakespeare's literary career?(Davidson 241). This idea is reinforced throughout the play, especially towards the end and in the epilogue: ' ending is despair, Unless I be relieved by prayer.' And 'I'll break my staff, Bury it in certain fathoms in the earth, And deeper than did ever plummet sound I'll drown my book' (i.e. his tools that work the magic) Therefore, our understanding of Caliban's position in the play is of great import. Critics debate on whether his... ... Interpretation." In The Tempest: A Casebook. Ed. D.J. Palmer. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1968. 225-263. Kermode, Frank. Introduction. The Tempest. By William Shakespeare. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1958. xlii. Palmer, D. J. (Editor) The Tempest - A Selection of Critical Essays London: MacMillan Press Ltd., 1977. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans, et. al. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974. Solomon, Andrew. "A Reading of the Tempest." In Shakespeare's Late Plays. Ed. Richard C. Tobias and Paul G. Zolbrod. Athens: Ohio UP, 1974. 232-265 John Wilders' lecture on The Tempest given at Oxford University - Worcester College - August 4th, 1999.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Grieving Before a Death: Understanding Anticipatory Grief Essay

When my Grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer, I was instantly crushed at thinking about all of the possibilities that there were for what could happen next; I could lose my Grandmother forever. After learning that the cause of my Grandmothers cancer was from smoking I told myself that I would never smoke and that I wanted to help people to stop smoking. When an individual first gets lung cancer they may start to have a persistent cough or a heavy feeling in their chest. Some of the effects of lung cancer are shortness of breath, wheezing, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss. One of the big causes of lung cancer is smoking, the more that you smoke the more likely it is that you will get lung cancer, also if you start smoking at a young age. My Grandmother and I had a very close relationship; I would always want to go to her house so that my Grandmother and I could cook together and also do arts and crafts. Whenever I would go visit my grandmother I would walk in and the smell of the fresh baked cookies was always the first thing to welcome you into her home. This was followed by the smell of fresh squeezed lemonade, when you would drink it you wouldn’t scrunch your face together because it was sour, my Grandmother had figured out the perfect recipe for lemonade. My Grandmother and I would always make lunch and dinner together, whenever I would go over she would teach me new things about the kitchen; she is the reason that I love to cook for my family whenever I get the chance. Having this close of a relationship with my Grandmother is what made it so hard for me when I found out she had cancer. I found out that my Grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer around the time of my 14th birthday; I remember I had just come back from playing basketball with some of my friends because it was summer vacation. I walked into my house and my mother and father were seated in the living room on the couch, my mother was crying on my father’s shoulder. I was so confused I had no idea what was happening, I went over and asked my parents what was wrong. My mother told me to sit down and she began to tell me that my Grandmother had been diagnosed with cancer, when I heard this I felt like my heart had dropped to my feet but I had also remembered that some cancers were treatable so I asked my mom if it was. She told me that they had found the cancer too late and that my Grandmother was not going to live much longer, this is when I completely lost it my heart had dropped even further and my stomach started to hurt. I ran to my room as tears were pouring out of my eyes, I slammed my door and just fell on my bed crying, I didn’t know what to do. My parents came up and talked to me and said that it we would all get through this together and that we were going to go visit my grandmother in the hospital the next day. When I went to the hospital with my parents the next day to visit my Grandmother I was sad that I was going to the hospital to see her but at the same time I was also scared about what I was going to see. When we walked into the hospital it was as if someone dimmed down all the lights everywhere as if they were trying to make this already terrible place even worse. As I walked down the hallways to my Grandmothers room I saw all the other people in beds some just lying there some with family and some were watching TV. When I walked into my Grandmothers room I was frightened because of all of the different machines that were hooked up to her body, the first thought that went through my mind when seeing all of the machines hooked up to her body was her becoming inspector gadget. I went over to talk to her and it was difficult to hear her because of the beeping of the machines and it didn’t help that she was talking quietly. After about thirty minutes of us being there I asked my mother if we could leave because I didn’t like seeing my Grandmother when she was hooked up to all the machines. As we walked towards the exit of the hospital my eyes began to water again and once we left I burst into tears because I was so upset that out of all people this had to happen to my Grandmother the one person that I connected with most in my family. About six months had passed, I was now fourteen. School at started back up and I was trying to hide all of my feelings about my Grandmother from my friends so they wouldn’t also be sad. One day after school I came home as I always did but this time when I went inside my mom came to me and said that we were going to go say goodbye to my Grandmother, this made me feel terrible I didn’t want to say bye to one of my family member who I was so close with. We arrived at the hospital and once again I felt as if someone dimmed all the lights to make it feel even gloomier in the hospital. This time when we got to my Grandmothers room I didn’t even recognize her, because she had been through so much surgery to try and stay alive longer. This made me feel miserable because she had gone through all that treatment and pain throughout the last six months and she was still going to be taken away from me forever. Before I left the hospital that night I went to my Grandmother gave her a big hug and said goodbye, she gave me her cross necklace that she had been wearing and said to always keep this, she said that as long as I had this necklace she would always be with me. That is the biggest reason that I was able to move on because I would always see the necklace and then remember what she told me that she was always with me. After I witnessed firsthand what lung cancer could do to someone I began to tell people to stop smoking and also helped people quit. I would tell them the story about how when I went to see my Grandmother after all of her cancer treatments that I couldn’t even recognize her, after that a lot of them would want to stop. I would then talk about how this affected my life and how if they were diagnosed it could affect someone else’s life. In my survey it was shown that people who had family or friends diagnosed with lung cancer or killed by lung cancer were almost always affected by it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Do Scientists Have Any Special Moral Obligations? Essay

1. Topic: Consider the extent to which knowledge issues in ethics are similar to those in at least one other area of knowledge Do scientists have any ‘special’ moral obligations? Or should science seek to be free from any values and morals? This has been a popular topic that has been discussed throughout not only this century but also, centuries previous to us. While looking at natural sciences and ethics we can see that these two areas of knowledge are quite similar, specifically when looking at theories of ethics and how it can be implemented towards natural sciences. Using reason we can identify this and emotion in order to determine that scientist do not have a moral obligation and should not seek to be free from any values and morals. This will be proven by comparing scientist that have used moral obligations such as the Arabs during the Islamic Golden Age and this is proof that science can prosper when scientists have a moral obligation. But there are also different perspectives of this issue with some people arguing that we are in a different century when the backbone of society has shifted towards science and that we must give science freedom in order to prosper more in the future. This is evident in real life from an article in the Daily Mail, which stated that a scientist took a sapling from Norway, which was infected with a disease in order to accomplish a science experiment. The result was that the disease has spread throughout England killing around 200,000 trees in the process. This article is evident about the theory that scientists need to have a moral obligation such as everyone else in society has to oblige to. The reason being that if scientist get to avoid obligations then this will go against the ethical approach of Kant which states that no individual should be given preferential treatment. This is demonstrated in the given example by showing how a scientist got a sapling into a country with a disease in order to accomplish an experiment and did not care what would happen to other people in society. This demonstrates that to a certain extent ethics does relate to natural sciences because scientists must consider ethics when doing a science experiment. By using different  approaches to ethics such as Kant and utilitarianism, which both agree on the fact that no person is above everyone else, which to a certain extent is evident from some scientists such as the one from the example above. The example about the scientist getting a disease for trees into England for an experiment may seem obvious that scientist should have a moral obligation to a certain extent. But the fact is that this data is from one scientist or organization and that the whole science community should not be judged for the mistake of one of its sectors. This goes with Kant’s approach to ethics to a certain extent because Kant theory states that the moral value of an act is determined by the motive and not the consequences of the act. This can relate to the article to a certain extent because the scientist may have been trying to find something that would benefit society more then it would impact it negatively. Another issue that would go against the belief that scientists need moral obligation is the fact that scientists believe they have the duty to explore the world and try to find answers to their questions. This works with the belief of duty ethics, which states that for a scientist, science is a matter of doing your duty and fulfilling your obligations. The only issue to this argument is that all of the scientists should not be blamed is the fact that this has given a bad image towards scientists to many people not only in England but the world. This illustrates that to a certain extent their should be a rule that will place a moral obligation over the heads of scientist all over the globe, like everyone else in society. Can science co exist when they are under moral obligations that relate to religion. Well many people in society would disagree with this theory, but when looking at history it is evident that religion and science have existed together and have prospered together in history. An example of this would be the Islamic Golden Age, where many important areas of science were studied quite meticulously, such as astronomy where Muslims used their moral obligation, which was the Quran in order to further their studies of astronomy and chemistry. This displays that despite popular claims science and religion can work together to a certain extent and this is displayed through scientists using a moral obligation or following their ethical  beliefs before doing an experiment. This can relate to the example about the scientist who brought the diseased tree to England because that maybe if scientist were in forced to follow a moral obligation that is followed by people in society, he might have not brought that plant. The reasons being is the scientist might have considered the utilitarianism approach to ethics (which was also used by the Muslims during the Golden Age) and consider the fact that he might not believe that this decision would seek the greatest happiness of the greatest number. The only issue with this belief is that we are now in a new century where science unlike in the past is firmly the backbone of society. Because if this we must to a certain extent break the shackles of scientist and free them of values or morals. This is firmly stated in the ted video starring Michael Specter, who states that we are in current situation that has not been seen before in society. The reason being that we are able to do so much for society by using science, but the only issue is the fact that people do not want to believe the results obtained by scientist because it is morally wrong to alter food in order to have more of it. In the video Michael Specter argues that scientist should not have a moral obligation in order to do an experiment, which may help society more, than hurt it. Such as the use of genetically enhanced food which to some people would seem morally incorrect because this is altering natures food. But on the other hand if we continue with genetically enhancing food we could end world hunger in the next decade, since we would be able to send food to countries that could not grow a big amount of food like the countries in Africa. This would become ironic because if we do not believe this then we are going against the utilitarianism approach of ethics, which states that we must try to exert the most happiness from any given situation. For this situation it can be argued that Michael Specter is right to a certain extent that in some occasions maybe scientists should be allowed to ignore their moral obligations in order to pursue their goals in science. The significance of this argument is that scientists are holding a major hand in the future of society as we know it, and as we can see in many events in society we are already learning that maybe science needs to have a  moral obligation like the rest of society. The reason why this would be true is that scientist could affect the world in a negative aspect such as the scientist in England who killed nearly 200,000 trees in order to accomplish a single experiment. This could lead to a problem that maybe science and religion cannot work together and one of them must conquer the other, but to me this is false because we have seen that throughout history we have used religion in order to accomplish science. This is evident in the Islamic Golden Age, which gives hope that people in this century do not need to fight which one is right, but work together in order to prosper in the future. But the other side of this argument would be the fact that scientist cannot have a moral obligation because if this occurs then they would not be able to do their experiment in order to benefit society. Also the fact that science is slowly becoming the backbone of our society and that in order to progress further in the future we must remove the chains off scientists and release them in to the wild in order to have the most success out of science. From the evidence presented in this essay we can see that this questions has many different perspectives that we must take into account. But the fact is that the major evidence in this essay states that science must have a moral obligation because it is evident that science can co exist with ethics, values and morals and that scientists even if they do not like it need to have a moral obligation in order to exert the most happiness in society.