Monday, December 23, 2019

Cell Phones And Its Effects On Society - 1503 Words

Although smartphones have allowed people to communicate easily long distance through texts and calls, they have also made proper, meaningful, oral conversation almost extinct (Liew 1). When talking to another person, many people use text language instead of proper and advanced vocabulary. In today’s society text language, such as jk or lol, is common in everyday texting, but to past generations the use of this language is foreign. That shows the major change that cell phones have had on society. People who were born before 1973 grew up without cell phones,and when they did finally get their first phone, they used it only for calling people. Young teens today will hang out with each other, but there is a secret tag along friend, their phones, that never seems to leave them alone. It is not uncommon to have both people checking Instagram and texting others instead of socializing. Along with destroying proper oral communication, smartphones have made people less resourceful. With this one little device, the smartphone, the world is at anyone’s fingertips.Although this is good because it has allowed people to research things more easily, it has also changed people into less resourceful people. When asked a question, people will go on their smartphones and check the answer. This is a quick and easy way to get information, but people don’t think anymore. They check their phones and find whatever they need, but if they thought for just a minute or two more, they would haveShow MoreRelatedCell Phones And Its Effects On Society Essay1277 Words   |  6 Pagesthe world resemble in the event that we didn t have any cell phones? Why is it that we get out of our comfort zone when we do not have access to our phones? Nowadays, cell phones have such a noteworthy effect on our day to day lives, and we owe it to the advancement of technology. In this research paper, we will take a closer look at this phenomenon by examining the evolution of cell phone d evices, and it’s effects on society. Cell phones, as we know them haven’t been around for that long. The quickRead MoreCell Phone Effect on Society1526 Words   |  7 PagesClass Date Title How often do we see some people in society now a days on their phones? Whether this be to someone checking their Facebook or just messaging their friends to let them know where they are. How often could you witness to how they could cause accidents such as not paying attention when crossing the road, crime such as the increase in phones being stolen, or car accidents in the split second in which one is looking down at their phone rather than paying attention to what is on the roadRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Society1400 Words   |  6 Pagespossible to carry a phone and still use it, since then there have been millions upon millions released through these forty three years of its existence, every year with a different model, system, camera, you name it, the possibilities are endless! The advantages cellular devices hold over us are massive, from calling a friend situated halfway across the world to ordering food for Memorial High School’s 5th period lunch. Another m ajor factor of our 24/7 nonstop use of the cell phone is texting. TextRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society940 Words   |  4 Pages Cell phones have been around for hundreds of years. It’s no surprise that more and more people are beginning to partake in cellphone use. Cell phones provide society with an easier way of communicating and obtaining information, but at the same time there are some negative consequences. What most people don’t realize is that cellphones are actually quite harmful to modern society. Scientifically cellphones emit radiations that can potentially produce fatal results. Overall cellphones haveRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Society1480 Words   |  6 Pagesthis technology, the cell phone was created and over the years has advanced itself. The cell phone has become a necessity to many. All ages use this mobile device for either personal or business uses. Higgins states that the amount of cell phones active has increased from â€Å"one billion in 2000 to 6 billion.† Although cell phones paly an important role in the lives of many, the negative possibilitie s could cause destruction to our society. According to Russell Ware, a cell phone is â€Å"any portable telephoneRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society3111 Words   |  13 Pagesback to the office on the cell phone†, said Seven Spielberg. Everywhere you are no matter what, you will see someone in contact with his or her cell phone. The effects of them cause negative and positive outcomes within our society. Cell phones have influenced society both positive and negative ways regarding teenagers life, social interactions, emergencies crimes, and health. Cell phones have negatively affected teenager’s life in more than one way. First cell phones are a distraction to the wayRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society1698 Words   |  7 PagesTechnology and technological advances in communication, such as smartphones, were initially introduced in society to connect individuals together. However, because of the growing obsession of smartphones and technology, it becomes evident that technology is causing an opposite effect. The addiction of smart phones and technology has pushed individuals even farther apart. Further, in cell phones, an individual has a different life unknown to the people around him or her. In other words, individualsRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society2122 Words   |  9 PagesCell phones have become a necessary evil in today s society according to some people. While cell phones can have positive effects, easy access to friends and family also with the police force, paramedics, and firefighter s. The negative effects of cellphones outweigh the positives. Cellphones are dangerous and their use in today s society should be limited. From when the first cell phone was invented to the new apple IPhone 6 since coming out people have been addicted to them. People have gottenRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society Essay1839 Words   |  8 Pagesaffected by cell phones and mobile phones’ temptations have reduced face-to-face communication among people, attracted people from their study and work, and even harmed their health and life, it is urgent now to find detailed origins behind such phenomenon of cell phone addiction and then find solutions to this serious problem. Until now, on this topic many researchers have investigated people’s average using times of cell phones per day, people’s average amount of time of using cell phones per day,Read MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Society1991 Words   |  8 Pagesadvantage of it, but is this a good thing? Cell phones are taking over people’s lives and the pattern is going to continue if people keep using cell phones the way they are, and allowing their children to use them equally as much. One s relationships, values, and time management would all be better if cell phones were not as significant of a part of people’s lives as they have become. Howard Rheingold says it so beautifully and accurately. Cell phones and other technology is changing the world and

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Socio Economic Study Free Essays

Economic Benefits As part of the agricultural sector, the banana industry also ensures that It contributes to the protection of the environment through the observance of globally accepted practices and abiding by Philippines laws. Furthermore, the industry also makes positive Impact on the cultural political aspects through: Enameled contact with the Influence Insurgency; Improved peace and order situation; Effective local governance; Integration of Indigenous people (e. G. We will write a custom essay sample on Socio Economic Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bugaboo, Nabob, Muslim) Into mainstream society: and Better understanding of cultures. The Banana industry impact on the economy includes: Provision of employment (minimum wages, Job security); Development of related industries (transport, food, consumer goods, entertainment); Increased income opportunity (cash crop, I. E. Corn, rice, firewood gathering vs.. Employment); Prompts improved infrastructure support from government and private organizations; Increased tax collection for local government. In terms of social impact, the industry helps provide: Basic needs through the availability of food, housing, clothing, and employment; Education increased number of students; Health care availability of institutional care; Migration back to family instead of having to look for livelihood elsewhere; Equal opportunity for women and indigenous people; and Fewer occurrences of domestic and Juvenile related crime and conflicts. The Philippine banana industry Is the 5th largest export Industry In the country and the indulges in Mindanao. In terms of local tax contribution, the Industry remitted about Phi Million worth of local taxes In 2008, Including Business Tax, Real property tax, Residence Certificates of Employees, withholding tax of employees, withholding tax at source, and Income. Socio Economic Study By EX_Donald As part of the agricultural sector, the banana industry also ensures that it contributes Furthermore, the industry also makes positive impact on the cultural political Minimized contact with the influence insurgency; Integration of indigenous people (e. G. Bugaboo, Nabob, Muslim) into mainstream society; and Better understanding of cultures. The Philippine banana industry is the 5th largest export industry in the country and the indigents in Mindanao. In terms of local tax contribution, the industry remitted about Phi Million worth of local taxes in 2008, including Business Tax, Real How to cite Socio Economic Study, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

20th Century Drama An Inspector Calls Essay Example For Students

20th Century Drama An Inspector Calls Essay An Inspector Calls was written in 1944-45 but set in 1912 before the world war. In 1944-45 Priestly sent the script of An Inspector Calls to Moscow as unfortunately there were no London Theatres available, so due to this the script was established in 2 theatres in 1945, which it came back to London to be produced. The audience were in the 1945 mood whilst watching the play that was set in 1912. So the audience are re-visiting what was soon to come -2 years later the 1st world war and the sinking of the unsinkable ship Titanic on her maiden voyage. A version of another detective thriller, as what it seemed at the beginning of the play. The opening scene involves the audience being invited in to the play in a very cosily style to a warm scene of a diner party where all the characters of the Birling family are introduced including Gerald Croft. A mysterious inspector intrudes on the cosy scene As one by one each member of the Birling family is questioned there is a chain of events that sequences and links the whole investigation to a suicide murder. However this is not what it is only about, but there is another story portrayed that leads into confusion about the real identity of the inspector. Was he a Ghost, was he the voice of conscious or was he? Who knows! There are a variety of entrances and exits that take place in the play. A build of anxiety, fear, nervousness and suspense is the entire thrill in the entrances and exits of An Inspector Calls. The importance of entrances and exits in the play is to keep the audience enthusiastic and keen to watch the involving exits and entrances. There are various characters in the play and each has a very significant role to play in the story which also connects to a mysterious murder. The tree most important characters from my point of view are: Gerald, Eric and of course the Inspector; The Inspector has an attitude that is tough. He is a hard- headed man. He is precise and influential and creates an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness just at a glance of look. He is an inspector that obeys his work and duty and likes to do it firmly otherwise there is a muddle. He intrudes the cosy scene and that lets the play move on with a subject of his own. Inspector Goole is strong and has sturdy physique that is then described throughout the play in a very peculiar and suspicious manner. A typical man in his 20s evoked by Eric Birling. Half shy half assertive with drinking problems, late nights and women; just are few of his problems that cost a big price during the play. Eric however, unlike his parents, realises the consequences of his actions. Eric is shown playing a big part in one of the most dramatic entrance of the play that characterises his role expressively that then makes him an important character of the play. Another very vital personality illustrated in An Inspector Calls, Gerald who is seductive and personable man in his 30s, rather too manly to be a dandy. Gerald is a helpful and a quiet down-to-town gentleman. Despite Geralds involvement of a big role in Evas life, Gerald is not all that disturbed by the incident which demonstrates his character played in An Inspector Calls. Some of the major entrances that take place in the play suggest the tension that rises gradually towards the very anxious entrance that takes place nearer to the end of the novel. However the entrance that is performed as the first access to the story plays a crucial part in the development of An Inspector Calls. Inspector Goole is the first uninvited character to enter in the engagement party and to ruin the pleasant scene. The Inspectors entrance is a very tragic entrance that takes place in the beginning of the play. It happens when an engagement ceremony has undergone and is interrupted by the Inspector. Mr Birling however is not disturbed by the presence of the Inspector as he is expecting a warrant warning instead there is a different story portrayed. The Inspector obstructs the uneasy conversation between Gerald and Eric also involving Mr Birling that then leads to a confused and a frantic Birling family. The Inspector who at first glance creates an impression of massiveness gives an bitter look as a sigh of giving discomfort before he approaches the person who is being investigated. At first the Inspector is spoken with short phrases to suggest an Inspector of solidity and then the reason of his appearance is conveyed with a lengthily speech and is heard with an aggressive manner that immediately relates to the tough inspector. Essay On The Cherry Orchard About SocietyGerald departs from the play for a walk about, however before he leaves Sheila gives him the engagement ring that was given to her by Gerald himself only a few minutes ago although Sheila now respects him more than she has ever done. By Geralds exit there is a different mood given to the play. The atmosphere of the stage is rather a quiet and sad one as the reason of the ceremony has been abolished. The mood is shown changing as the stage directions convey the looks and sounds in a guarded way as Gerald exits and the Birlings watch him go in silence. The timing of the action has been performed after Gerald has been inquired and before Mrs. Birling and Eric were being questioned of a possible suspect to the chain of events leading to the suicide of Eva Smith. Birling is shown consolidating Gerald by interrupting Sheila and talking about lots of young men doing these kinds of things these days. Geralds exit symbolises that they maybe lots of secrets concealed inside every one of us. The last and most relieving exit for the Birling Family is the final dramatic exit of the play. This is performed by the Inspector in the middle of Act 3. The exit is portrayed in a dubious and peculiar manner that suggests a tense frame of mind. The Inspector summarises the effects of the suicide murder with a long departing paragraph and ends it with the consequences of the incident as he teaches them a lesson in blood and anguish. The Inspectors speech, gestures, stage directions, facial expressions and most of all the self-assured confidence in his speech intertwines together to build a tower of tension and relief. For the Birling Family it was a huge sigh of relief, in comparison to the audience, which related to them as a theatrical departure. The atmosphere of the play has a sudden change from an anxious investigation to a slightly casual mood. Earlier on, before the tense exit of the Inspector, Birling is trying a different method , a method of bribe which the Inspector thinks he is offering money at the wrong time, however Birling can give thousands-yes thousands. The stage directions evoke a confident exit that actually has some effect on both the audience and the characters. The play is then continued with feed back from the family members and also another entrance that changes the whole phase of the play. As for the exits, they make the audience feel sympathetic towards the character illustrating the exits. As Gerald takes his leave the audience are willing not for him to leave as for the Inspectors exit it wraps up the whole play and makes the play run on his intentions so when the main character exits from the play, there is a slight tension in the audience. The stage directions are interpreted as a confident exit which leads to a successful play involving exits that have a turning effect on the audience. So overall, the play can be classified as a success. One reason for this is the involvement of exits and entrances that create shock, jolt and maybe a form of relaxation. In my opinion I thought that the most dramatic exit or entrance is the entrance performed by Eric right at the end of Act 2. This is very significant entrance that is performed in a nail biting situation and that can put the audience in great enthusiasm. At the beginning of the play An Inspector calls is introduced to a tranquil opening scene. In comparison, the closing scene is totally opposite to the opening scene as the closing scene shows the characters in a muddled and in a fearful mood and the atmosphere is uneasy. A point to be noted is that in the opening scene of the play the whole characters of the play (minus Edna and Inspector) are present for the ceremony and after so many dramatic exits and shocking entrances the same characters are shown in the closing scene but with a different mood, a mood of distress and mayhem as the chain of events has finally come to an end.