Friday, May 8, 2020

How Dreams Lead to Success - 628 Words

When you were a young kid in school, do you remember taking a review before a test and your teacher saying something along the lines of, Pay attention now, because this will be on the test? Well, I do. This was said by the teachers who wanted to encourage their students, the ones who wanted to see them succeed. They might have put us to the test, but they also set us up for success. Its the same way with dreams. If you put your dreams to the test, you can succeed at them. A fairly known woman once said, The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. This woman was Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of 32nd President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Her words might seem like nothing more than just that - plain, simple words. But those words have wisdom behind them, and they can empower someone to want to continue their dreams, to not give up on them and to make them happen. They might not give an I Have A Dream speech like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who eventually did have h is dreams come true. But they can definitely try to accomplish them. And by accomplishing them you can guarantee that in any hardship you may encounter in life it is possible to dream a dream. You can make that dream no longer a funny, little thought inside of your head, but now a real thing. A great example of a dream successor is the memorable Dick Clark, also known as the worlds oldest teenager. He started working in the mail room of a radio station that his father managed, but heShow MoreRelatedEssay on How Dreams Lead to Success538 Words   |  3 Pagesthe world needs dreamers who do. This quote means that dreams mean nothing if you do not have your own inclination to go after them; you can a have a dream but if you are not going to exert oneself, then what is the purpose? Your dreams are a vision you see, it is your goals, it is the reason you wake up every day, and it is something you could never give up doing. Your success in life starts with a dream; in order to lead your dreams to success you must be determined, have courage, as well as haveRead MoreEssay about How Dreams Lead to Success627 Words   |  3 Pages How do dreams lead to success? I question this as I sit here in front of my laptop screen. But how does one measure success? To many people, they m easure success on how rich or powerful they can possibly achieve to be. But, I believe success is a lot more than money or obtaining a certain level of a career. When will people start to measure success by happiness? A famous quote by the philosopher, Albert Schweitzer, â€Å"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If youRead MoreHochschild : The First Tenet Of The American Dream751 Words   |  4 Pages.Hochschild describes the American Dream as success. Not the success through material objects but in happiness and fulfillment. Hochschild states absolute, relative and competitive are the criteria of success (16). Absolute is the difference of well-being between themselves or other people w 2. The first tenet of the American dream, Hochschild explain that it is everyone may always pursue their dream (18). Despite race, religion, gender or any other form of injustice, everyone hasRead More Comparing Success in Horatio Algers Ragged Dick and the Life of Colin Powell1062 Words   |  5 PagesSuccess in Horatio Algers Ragged Dick and the Life of Colin Powell What does success mean to you? I think the idea of success is affected by the social system. In America and Hong Kong, which are capitalistic societies affected by the American Dream, success means money and fame. In other societies, success might have different meanings. Some people said money and fame is the true meaning of success, but I think that the true meaning of success is to follow the interest of your own and beingRead MoreExamples Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby951 Words   |  4 Pagessaid, â€Å"The American Dream is that any man or woman, despite of his or her background, can change their circumstances and rise as high as they are willing to work.† (American Dream Quotes). This quote is reminiscent of what most people think of the American Dream as. Usually, their thoughts entail hard work leading to success and happiness. In the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there are many examples of the American Dream. Fitzgerald expresses the Ameri can Dream through his charactersRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1015 Words   |  5 PagesThe American dream is strongly associated with the identity of America and everything our country stands for: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In â€Å"Death of a Salesman† by Arthur Miller, the protagonist Willy Loman believes a person will be happy once they obtain success by living the American dream; if you are unable to achieve this goal then you are a failure. The play is divided into two categories: successes and failures. The image of the American Dream depicted in society influencesRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller918 Words   |  4 PagesThe American Dream has always been this ideal of a person achieving the ultimate success of owning a house and being able to financially provide for their family . The general idea of the American Dream for almost every person is to be economically stable. Many have tried for years to try and make their A merican Dream a reality but many have failed due to mistaken views on how to achieve such dreams. In the play â€Å"Death of a Salesman† by Arthur Miller the concept of the American Dream is depictedRead MoreIdeas of Success and Failure Mamet Explores in Glengarry Glen Ross814 Words   |  4 PagesIdeas of Success and Failure Mamet Explores in Glengarry Glen Ross Introduction ============ Mamet introduces us into a world of success and failure of salesmen in real estate, which in effect is a microcosm of the reality[MSOffice1] of the U.S.A. He presents a world in which the salesmen are dominated by the fact that they need to close the leads otherwise they lose their jobs. This is a world of corrupt values where people are prepared to tread on othersRead MoreWilly Lowman’s Tragic Misinterpretation of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman1176 Words   |  5 Pagesjust one more example that the American Dream is without a doubt achievable. Its pursuit is not easy; it requires undeniable hard work, modesty and optimism. Armed with these characteristics, seekers of this lifestyle will undeniably succeed. Success, though, is an interesting concept, for it can entail many superficial qualities. Willy Loman, the tragic hero of the play Death of a Salesman, sees only the superficial qualities of this dream. He views success solely as likeability (linked with attractiveness)Read MoreSuccess As One Of The American Dream1137 Words   |  5 PagesSintya Sintya English 112- 09:00 a.m. Professor Wittlake 28 April 2015 Success as One of The American Dream When we hear the word â€Å"success†, we often think of wealth and money. To some people, the embodiment of being success is earning a lot of money. In fact, the concept of success is primarily based on how much money a person earns. However, each person views the definition of success differently. One way to define success is something that has more to do with flash than it does with substance

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